Busy Bees at Heptonstall!

I am sending out my regular “Friday” Dojo a day early this week. This is due to the fact that tomorrow I am going to be busy all day accompanying our Year 4 children to Shirley Manor School to meet children from schools across the Trust for a Forest School Activity (and at the start and end of the day I will be collecting and then taking back the minibus to Beech Hill!)

Next week sees the last week of the Spring Term. There is quite a lot going on!

On Monday it is the Teacher/Parent sessions for Acorns and Oaks between 3.40pm – 5.50pm and for Saplings between 1.20pm – 5.50pm. If you have not already done so, it is still not too late to make an appointment by sending a Dojo message to your child’s class teacher.

On Tuesday our Acorn children are travelling to the Railway Museum in York. To enhance the “train theme” we are actually travelling there and back by train too. It promises to be a very memorable day for the children.

We break up for Easter next Friday, 22nd March.

To end the term Reverend Ruthi has offered to do an Easter Assembly for us. This will be at St Thomas’ Church at 2.30pm next Friday. The children, other than singing a couple of Easter songs, will not actually be doing anything (it is NOT a Good Work Assembly) they will just be listening to Reverend Ruthi- just as they would do when she visits school for an assembly. However if you would like to join us for this Easter Service you would be very welcome.

The service should finish around 3.15pm Please note that for safety reasons children will NOT be allowed to go home with (or without!) parents from the Church. They will ALL need to come back to school afterwards.

I hope you all have a good weekend when it comes.


Happy Easter!


Congratulations Miss Dodd!