Let’s Make a Noise!

A wet, wild and miserable week OUTSIDE school for most of this week but another brilliant week INSIDE school this week!

Children in our Oak Class have been involved in an anti-bullying project with the other three schools in The Family of Learning Trust and have combined in class to write an anti-bullying performance poem (as have children in the other three schools).

Here is what our youngsters came up with. It is entitled “Don’t be Afraid to speak up” (the theme of anti-bullying week this year has been “Make a noise about bullying”).


Bullying is extremely bad,

You could tell someone maybe your Dad,

Don’t be afraid to speak up!

They say they’re just joking around,

But teasing isn’t the right kind of sound.

Don’t be afraid to speak up!

Keeping it to yourself may make you sad,

You don’t want to end up going mad.

Don’t be afraid to speak up!

Banter is fun and can be fine,

As long as you don’t cross the line.

Don’t be afraid to speak up!

If they don’t laugh and don’t find it funny,

Then please don’t do it sunny.

Don’t be afraid to speak up!

If it doesn’t make you feel OK,

Tell someone right away.

Don’t be afraid to speak up!

Bullying can hurt people, don’t go too far,

Emotional pain can go deeper than a scar.

Don’t be afraid to speak up!

By Oak Class (Year 5 & 6 Heptonstall)


The children in Oak class also all came in odd socks on Wednesday this week to emphasise that we are all “different”.

Everything they have done this week (word clouds/posters/photos and videos ) will be sent to Beech Hill where their technician will produce a video showing the work around the four schools and share it with them all

Talking of the Trust I am pleased to tell you that everything is on schedule for the official transfer over to the Trust on 1st December.

As you are aware from previous Dojos, although this official sign-over has yet to be completed, we have already- both staff and children -begun some brilliant work across the four schools.

Next week I am looking forward to welcoming to Heptonstall the Headteacher of Shirley Manor school on Tuesday (you may recall I spent a day there just before half term) and the week after I will be welcoming the Head teacher from Dean Field School.

Teachers from all four schools are meeting next week again at Beech Hill School to discuss writing.

As you may have seen from the Christmas dates I sent out before half term, children in Year 4 are going to Beech Hill School on the 21st December to watch their staff panto. Shortly after the Christmas break our Year 2 children will be going to Beech Hill to spend the day with children from the other three schools and a resident artist (more details to those parents soon).

ALL very exciting stuff – and there will be a lot more to come!

Finally it was lovely to see yesterday that the wonderful write –up of our terrific Ofsted report - that was on the Halifax Evening Courier website a couple of weeks ago - has now made front page news in the Hebden Bridge Times.

As the wonderful Canadian singer Anne Murray sang back in the early 1980s it’s great to see “A Little Good News” in the papers.

A reminder that you can read the article here

And with that good and happy news I bid you all a wonderful weekend.


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