Every End has a New Beginning!

Today a new era begins for Heptonstall School as, from this morning, we “officially” became part of the Family of Learning Trust. A welcome letter from the CEO of the Trust, Mrs S. Hussain, is attached.

As I have said from the start, in many ways you will notice very little difference. School on a day to day basis will remain just as we are now.

The benefits of the Trust will come in the support that they can give the school, the staff and the children.

You will have already read in previous Dojos about some of the cross school opportunities for staff and pupils that have begun and there will be more to come. The Trust are already supporting us in the reestablishing of the Before School club (more details coming out about this on Monday next week).

As the months and years go on the opportunities we will be able to offer your children will grow and grow. Just last week – again with the support of the Trust -a resident poet visit was arranged for Years 4 – 6 in January.

A reminder that our bank details have changed from today. Please see my Dojo from Wednesday.

I am also delighted to say that from today we have been able to take Mr Longstaff onto a contract at our school. He has worked since last January on a “Supply teacher” basis and has consistently gone above and beyond what would be expected of him in such a role. It is a pleasure to welcome him officially to the Heptonstall family. I know from comments you have sent or said to me previously that many of you will also be very pleased with this news.

Exciting times ahead for our school!

Just a quick word about Calderdale Council as we move away from their direct “control” today. Our school has been a part of Calderdale Council since the Metropolitan Borough of Calderdale was first formed back in 1974 (and of course part of Halifax Council before that time). I can only speak of my time at the helm over the last 16 years as Headteacher here but, as we move to the Trust, I would like to thank Calderdale for their help and support over many years. In all my dealings with the officers of the council – whether that be in “Learning”, HR, Health and Safety, Admissions, Finance etc. etc. I have always found them to be professional, friendly and helpful with the best interests of schools, children and staff at heart. I have worked under the auspices of four different LAs during my career and I have found Calderdale to be the best. This came to the fore during the Covid crisis when despite schools having to cope with mixed messages, knee jerk reactions and general confusion from those in Whitehall the advice we actually got from Calderdale was reasonable, proportionate and very helpful. Personally and professionally I would like to thank them.

It is the 1st December today and our Christmas “Countdown” activities will begin to festively trickle down from next week.

On Thursday next week it is our Christmas Jumper Day. It is a Save The Children initiative. We do NOT collect for this in school but if you wish to contribute to the charity you can do so over the phone on 020 7012 6400. There are also other ways that you can pay in which are detailed on their website:


One Charity that we have supported over the years at Christmas time is Overgate Hospice. In 2020 and 2021 we took part in their sponsored reindeer run. All our children don antlers (provided) and we walk around Heptonstall Village spreading good cheer to one and all. We are going to do it again this year and children are bringing home a sponsor form tonight.

The event is on Friday 15th December and we will be leaving school at around 9.30am. Nearer the time we will let you know which route we are taking around the village so if you want to come and cheer us on you can!

Sponsor forms and money should be returned to school after the 15th December please.

As well as a school event this is actually quite a personal one for me this year. Some of you will be aware that my mum passed away at the end of the summer holidays. Her last days were spent in the care of Overgate Hospice – and my words what amazing care they gave -not only to my mum but to myself too and members of my family. What special people the folk who work there are. My Sam will be joining us on the 15th to walk with us in memory of his granny.

Finally my thanks to the village tea rooms who I understand are once again donating £5 from the sale of every Christmas tree to school. What a lovely gesture and it is very much appreciated.

A reminder that there IS a Good Work Assembly today at 2.45pm. Doors open at 2.35pm.

I hope you all have a good weekend. Tree putting up and decorating for us at home -well rather my wife does all this – she tends to send Sam and I out as we just “get in the way” (apparently!)

Ho Ho Ho.

David Perrin


Christmas Is Coming!


Gifts Galore!